Help! I am unable to Create my Account!

There are several reasons why you may be facing an issue with creating your account:

  1. You have entered a very weak password that doesn't match our password security specifications
  2. You have already created an account with the email id.
  3. You have not confirmed your account via Confirmation mail.
  4. You have been blocked/blacklisted from using

We have 128-bit encryption for our passwords and account information, so your accounts are safe with us. When creating an account, we advise you to make a strong password with a minimum of 8 letters, and a combination of letters, digits and symbols.

If you have already created an account with us, then try to login with the email id you might have used before. If you are unable to log in or create an account, contact us and we'll help you out.

After you create an account on the website, you will receive a confirmation email. Please check the Spam folder in your mailbox for the confirmation mail and whitelist us so that you get notifications without any hassles.

For specific reasons, if we have found that you have misused the website, you will be blacklisted and blocked from creating, ordering or accessing information through the account.

If the problem still persists, you can drop a mail to our Online Team at or ping us on live chat!

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