Offers and Discounts

  • Do you have any offers or discounts?

    Yes we do! You can check out the latest offers by clicking on the Offers and Discounts Section in the Menu. We offer you FLAT 20% off on all our latest jewellery products, and UPTO 50% off on select merchandise*. We also have special seasonal deals, festive offers and promo discounts around the ...
  • Do you have any promo codes?

    Currently we are not running any promo codes for the season. However, we will let you know if we're running any special offers! Subscribe to our newsletter for more info on latest products, best deals and much more!
  • Do you provide discount on bulk orders / Wholesale orders?

    If you are interested in purchasing in bulk/wholesale quantity from us, please let us know! We provide bulk/wholesale rates for our products. Feel free to reach out to us on or ping us on Chat!
  • Can I get a better discount?

    Looking for more offers or a better discount? Feel free to chat with us, and we'll see what we can do to help you out 😀 Contact us at or ping us on WhatsApp @ +91 897 809 9777, and we'll do our best to keep you satisfied.